Diverse Voices
Developed over a three year period and launched in 2015, the ICOS 'Diverse Voices: Listening to International Students' DVD and training tool kit brings together the experiences and perspectives of a range of international students on living and studying in Ireland. Interview segments on a wide range of themes are further explored in the 130 page training guide that accompanies the DVD, including participative exercises for use by facilitators.
Diverse Voices is available to buy, or can be accessed online free of charge in our Member Area for a limited time. Anyone working at one of our member institutions can register for access to the Member Area.
While stocks last
The pack draws on ICOS' experience of offering intercultural awareness training to higher education academic and support staff over many years and the video resources bring the experiences and perspectives of a range of international students into a training context in the most direct way possible. The 'Diverse Voices' training pack also features many experienced higher education sector professionals discussing issues of best practice.
Whilst the focus of Diverse Voices is on the Irish cultural context, the themes explored will resonate with anyone interested in intercultural competence development.
The pack, authored by former ICOS trainer Louise Staunton and edited by Dr. Ciarán Dunne, is available for purchase (with a discount for members).
Sample Chapter
Diverse Voices DVD Chapter: Approaches to Assessment
The 'Diverse Voices' project was developed with support from the Department of Education and Skills and the pack was launched by the Minister on June 11, 2015.
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